Thursday 28 February 2008


Well I haven’t updated for a while because I’ve just been way too tired and disinterested in everything. I still am. I’m home now but am still very very weak and tired. Yet I don’t sleep well at night. I don’t have any motivation to do anything and typing this is an effort in itself. I am up for visitors now but bear in mind if you come I’m not gonna be all chatty and talkative, I’m very very weak and barely have the energy to get out of bed in the morning. Having a wash is huge effort and getting upstairs is extremely difficult.

I have an appetite but I can’t taste much as my taste is all buggered up. The food has to have a lot of flavour for me to even begin to taste it. I feel pretty low emotionally, I just have no interest in anything and talking to people is an effort at times. I feel a little stronger each day but it’s a very slow process.

Unless you have been through this treatment you can’t even begin to imagine how it makes you feel. My legs are so weak, just pulling myself up from the sofa to get to the dinner table is an effort. Its gonna take me a long time to recover from this and I mean psychologically as well as physically.

To be honest there’s not much else I can say. This blog will be updated as much as I can but I don’t always feel like doing it at the min. I guess in time I will update more.

Thanks for all your messages of support and I do read them all, even if I don’t reply.

Thanks again

Mel xx


Anonymous said...

hi don't know me but i have been reading your blog. anyway, just to say you are incredible. you seem very brave to me, and your light comes shining through even when you are feeling down.
all the best to you dear.

Jeana said...

Hello Mel, I hope this reaches you and yours in good health and spirits ; ). I commend your bravery for it is beyond words the bravest I have ever seen. I would like to be updated on you life. And take care Mel.