Monday 25 February 2008

Drugs on Demand - some people's idea of heaven!

The day started with the usual obs and bloods though my blue line decided not to bleed so the red one was used instead. No big deal though, think it was a positional thing. I have to say having the male nurses access my line now is a little more embarrassing cos of where it is! Lol, I much prefer the female ones doing it. Though that sounds bad now! The nurse ‘Mini Kas’ who reminds me of my old nurse Kas from downstairs came in to do my obs and I think wondered again if I’d actually slept at all! I had! But not much. That pic is of me connected to the chemo one day last week.

I had no chemo today cos its my rest day, think I start fluids tomorrow and then last bit of chemo on Monday. Had my stitch taken out of my line this morning which was fine, no pain or anything, just a tad sore afterwards just cos of where it is. We had to hold down the clear dressing on the line while we pulled at the one on the stitch – it was a 2 person job! Lol, I have some nice bruising around the line but nothing major and it looks a hell of a lot neater than the old one used too. I think it freaked Becky out good and proper though!

Symptoms are still all the same, no change, got a very dry mouth as a result of chemo which I always get but no sores so far which is good. I am on oxygen pretty regular now, without it my sats levels (oxygen levels) drop to about 93 or lower, with it I can get about 96, occasionally 97, on average a 95. A normal person is 100 or 99. Also had a touch of the ‘runs’ which I’m sure you want to know about but seeing as dad put it on his blog there are no secrets! Lol, it’s a common side effect anyhow and they are helping me with it you’ll be pleased to know! I also keep getting like hot flushes and have to have the fan on a lot! Dunno why though. My clexane injection was random today, she came in, went to hand it to me to do it and I was like ‘no you have to do it’ (she was a nurse we hadn’t had before!) and then she did it really really fast, apologised for having to do it, left and I went really hot and almost in shock it was done so quick and then it stung like hell!!!!

I think I am going to ask Dr. Haynes if I can see a copy of my scan, just out of curiosity, I wanna see what this here thing looks like!!! I should see him Monday or Tues so I’ll ask then.
Becky has been here all day which has been nice and I slept in and out all afternoon while half listening to football on the new radio which is really ace actually! I always feel a bit guilty though cos when people are here visiting I feel I should be making the effort and talking but sometimes I just cant help but shut my eyes and let the sleep wash over me.

Sometimes it makes me sadder when Becky is here, that’s not meant in a horrible way and I don’t mean when she’s actually here during the day in hospital, that part I love, I really do but when everyone leaves at night its harder when Becky leaves with them cos its like the full family and they all go and I stay. And I’m ok on my own here but it’s harder saying bye watching everyone go together. I guess when it’s just mum and dad it’s a little easier cos I know it’s not quite normal at home anyway but with Becky, if I was there we’d have a full house and it’d be different. I Just imagine it more different and when everyone goes together it’s sadder to be left alone afterwards - though I’m ok like, I don’t suddenly collapse into a ball of tears or owt!! I dunno if that made any sense!! My TV was frickin annoying tonight, the signal on it is a bit dodgy and the sound was so crackly! I watched casualty ironically lol, then fell asleep for an hour and then woke up and watched match of the day.

I had some half decent meals today, a chicken in a white creamy sauce and then for tea, sausage, chips and beans although the sausage left a lot to be desired. I have a beef dinner tomorrow though which I know is pretty good cos I’ve had it for the last 2 weeks running! I also have cravings for chocolate mini muffins now – thanks to Debbie! Lol I’m getting through them pretty well!! The sainsburys’s ones if anyone wants to bring any! Lol

We had an evening time visit from Kas and Hannah, the nurses from downstairs which was lovely and also Jenny came to see me earlier in the day, she was one of the nurses who really helped me last week when I had severe back pain which tonight has decided to make a reappearance, not bad or anything but more so than normal. Never mind, I requested more oramorph – drugs on demand, like Amar just said, that’s some people’s idea of heaven! Lol
It was nice to see Kas and Hannah and Jenny and really shows they care when they make a special effort to come say hello to us all. It is much appreciated. We were telling them about how things had progressed to this stage cos obviously before last week they had never met me as I had never been on the ward in Nottingham, I’d only ever been in the daycase unit! We also chatted about being students and going to West End Shows in London lol. Can’t believe in July I walked 20 miles round London, not knowing then I had lymphoma! We just thought I was unfit and couldn’t keep up with everyone! A month later I was in hospital not being able to breathe!!
Aside from that today nothing much has happened, have a nice night nurse called Olivia who I think is Chinese….or maybe Japanese, I’m not sure but she’s lovely and she has provided my pain relief! Sophie and some uni friends are coming tomorrow so I am looking forward to that! I also got some new Pj’s today which are lovely so thanks mum! And a new scarf from dad so thanks dad! If anyone does come from Aston anytime soon can you please bring me a copy of the Aston times – the one I am in cos I haven’t seen it yet!! Well I’ve seen it online but not a hard copy.

Also wanted to say happy Birthday to sooty for Monday, I will get you a pressie when I can I promise! Also to Ria and Mand and Amar whose birthdays have unfortunately bypassed me somewhat but I am thinking of u guys I promise!! Also Becky (Turner) who I know is your birthday on Monday also! I remember Feb last year being just one spate of birthdays in a row!!
I’ve added a video to facebook that I made ages ago when we first finished uni and I thought you guys might like to see it. Don’t think I can add it to here but I’ll try one night when I have more time. The pics run a bit fast but you get the gist of it!! I will post about my willows foundation event tomorrow and I have some fundraising news which I will sort out tomorrow and post about on here hopefully!I am hoping for a Liverpool win tomorrow but I think it very very unlikely..........

Anyways that’s about it for today and we shall see what tomorrow brings…..
Mel xxxx

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