Tuesday 5 February 2008

New Room but Dodgy Internet!

Hopefully this will be shorter tonight; for once I feel knackered and may have an early night! Well we’ll see!

Started my chemo today as planned, Dr. Haynes came and told me they were going ahead despite not getting the funding decision but that was his concern not mine and so that’s that! Anyway I was moved up to the transplant ward today, kinda sad to see all the familiar nurses faces from toghill ward go but the ones up here seem just as nice so far so its all good! I had a wave of tiredness this afternoon after a trip in the wheelchair to the shop! I think its just lack of sleep catching up with me!

Anyhow my new room is good, all on my lonesome now but its ok and I have my own toilet which is easier! Had my chemo between 4 and 6 today. Only connected 2 hours a day for next 4 days. Side effects shud stay away until at least after the weekend, here’s hoping anyhow! Like I said yesterday its when my counts drop I’ll feel the worst. No idea when I’ll be home, a good few weeks yet anyhow but I’m still ok!

My biopsy scar finally looks like its healing up which is great though where my old hickman line is I have a HUGE bruise! Its seriously crazy!!!

New line is all still ok and getting used to it, in fact I’m so impressed with how neat it all looks! My breathing felt very laboured today but it has eased a bit tonight and no back pain so far so that’s good! Lots of visitors tomorrow which will be good! And yes Becky of course I am counting the days until you return on Saturday!!

I couldn’t get on lifesite tonight L annoying but I think it was the chatroom not my internet though I did have internet issues for a while it seems to be working ok now though msn is a bit temperamental! I can’t spell that word!

Erm I don’t know what else to say tonight, apart from I feel fine and I’m looking forward to visitors tomorrow and I might for once get an early night!

For anyone visiting Me I have to emphasise that if you've a cough or cold, or the beginnings of a cough or cold, or you've had a cough or cold or any other disease that's infectious, please stay away from the hospital until you're better. Due to the nature of the treatment on this ward (Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplants), they have to be strict. Passing on those germs could have serious and in some cases fatal consequences for the patients, so if you're unsure, please ask.

So that’s that for today I think!
Night night guys xxx

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Hope you're okay. I just came by to check and see if you've updated today yet...maybe you'll do it in the next few hours!